Creating engaging tools to help mobilize and support climate organizers everywhere - the time to confront the fossil fuel industry is now!


According to a 2019 Forbes study, the oil industry spends upwards of 200 million dollars on climate lobbying.

Their influence has deterred or completely stopped climate legislation by acknowledging that we need low-carbon solutions but then misleading the public on solutions

Meet the team.


Briana Villaverde

South East Los Angeles community member, Climate and Environmental Justice organizer, undergraduate student at the University of California Irvine studying Environmental Science and Policy alongside Chicano / Latino Studies!


Stephanie Hu

Los Angeles community member, UI/UX Social Impact Designer, undergraduate student at the Rhode Island School of Design studying Industrial Design!


Rounak Bhunia

Board Game (Nerd) Expert, Package and Graphic Designer, graduate of Rhode Island School of Design in Illustration!

Climate Mobilized

In the press.


Climate Mobilized (formerly Climate Battle Simulator) offers a simulated arena for players to plan tangible actions to pass climate legislation to mitigate the effects of climate change while trumping the oil industry’s lobbying tactics. On its way to becoming both a digital game and a board game, this simulation focuses on politics and governmental processes and structures as means of transitioning players from spectators of the political arena to active participants and organizers.

Villaverde was inspired to start Climate Mobilized with her team due to her background of environmental justice. “The power of grassroots organizing has historically been a great force and still has immense unmatched potential — however, breaking into the politics and science of climate change can be difficult and emotionally taxing,” she says. “Climate Mobilized is a great introductory and recruitment tool into climate organizing because it is able to showcase climate change science and organizing actions in a digestible and fun way.” […]

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